The Inkster Zetas
Z e t a P h i B e t a S o r o r i t y, I n c .
Zeta Nu Zeta Chapter
P.O. Box 206
Inkster, Michigan 48141

President's Welcome
Welcome to Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Zeta Nu Zeta Chapter.....The Inkster Zetas!
As a part of a Community-Conscious, Action-Oriented organization, you will find that we are very busy promoting Scholarship, providing Service to the Inkster and surrounding communities, supporting each other in Sisterhood all while representing the highest ideal of Finer Womanhood. Please feel free to look around and check back often for updates on the Inkster Zetas. Make sure you're following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
Alicia Jackson
Alicia Jackson
Chapter President
Zeta Nu Zeta Chapter
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
P.O. Box 206
Inkster, MI 48141
Lynese Thomas, Michigan State Director
Keisha Smith, Great Lakes Regional Director
Dr. Stacie NC Grant, International President & CEO